Think Your Septic Tank May Be Cracked? Know What To Do

Do you have a septic tank that was constructed with concrete? Be aware that it's possible for the tank to crack as it gets older. It can happen due to the soil beneath the tank shifting, a large vehicle driving over the area where the tank is buried, or just general wear and tear. There can also be faults with how the septic tank was constructed, such as concrete that was not mixed correctly. Here is what you need to know about a cracked septic tank, including what to look for and how to fix it.

Finding Trouble Signs

Cracks in a concrete septic tank will cause water to eventually get inside the tank, or for the waste inside the tank to leak into a place that is not your drain field. Signs of trouble will vary due to the crack's location and size. You may see puddles around the tank, which is due to sewage leaking out of it. The grass around the tank may look more green or lush as well. You may be able to smell an odor depending on how far down the tank is and how much sewage has escaped.

Inside your home, you can have a problem with drains moving very slowly if there is water seeping into the tank. There can also be odors that are seeping into your home through the drains. Sometimes there are not any signs, but a septic tank service company will notice a crack when pumping the tank.

Making Repairs

You'll need a professional to inspect the tank and let you know how badly it is damaged. They may recommend installing a brand new septic tank or repairing your current tank. Replacing the existing tank will involve a labor intensive process of removing the old tank and potentially placing the new tank in a new location.

A crack that can be repaired may only involve some excavation to get to the problem area. Cement filler can be applied to the tank to seal it and prevent further damage from happening. The septic tank repair company will also need to identify what caused the crack and try to fix it. For example, if it was caused by people driving over the tank, placing a fence around the septic tank location can help.

With repairs made, it is a good idea to get annual inspections done to ensure that the tank has not become damaged once again. check out a variety of services, like AAA Pumping Service, for such needs.
