3 Tips For Getting By Until An Overdue Septic Tank Pumping

You probably know how important it is to have your septic tank pumped regularly. However, for one reason or another, you might not have had it done when you needed to. You might have been short on cash, or you might have just forgotten to set the appointment. Regardless, now you might have found yourself dealing with an overfilled septic tank. Of course, setting an appointment to have it pumped as soon as possible is the first step. Then, remember these tips to help you get by until you can have your septic tank pumped.

1. Avoid Using It More Than Necessary

The first thing that you should focus on when waiting for an overdue septic tank pumping is avoiding using your septic system any more than necessary. The more that you use it right now, the worse the problem is going to get before you can have it pumped.

Washing machines use a whole lot of water, all of which goes into your septic tank when the wash cycle has ended. For best results, avoid using your washing machine until your septic tank can be pumped. Minimizing toilet flushes, taking very short showers and otherwise minimizing water use can also help you avoid making the problem worse.

2. Stock Up on Gloves

If there is a sewage backflow, which is very possible when you're dealing with a septic tank that is overdue for a pumping, then you will have a big mess on your hands. If you do find yourself in this situation, you will want to protect yourself and handle it in the most sanitary way possible. Stocking up on gloves now can make it easier for you to keep yourself safe while cleaning up any sewer related messes.

3. Find Something to Cover Up the Smell

Lastly, one of the most obvious things that you might have noticed is that there is a foul odor coming from your plumbing. This smell isn't going to go away until you have your septic tank pumped, but lighting a fragrant candle or keeping a bottle of air freshener close by can help mask the smell a little until you're able to do something about it.

As you can see, there are a few different things you can do to help you get by until you have your septic tank pumped. However, you should not put this off any longer than you have to, or you could find yourself dealing with an even bigger mess. Contact a company like Wallace Bragg Septic Tank Service to get your tank pumped as soon as possible. 
