What If You Don’t Pump Your Septic Pump?

You have probably heard that a septic tank ought to be pumped regularly; what happens if you don't do that? Well, here are the consequences of not pumping a septic tank when needed:

You May Experience Effluent Backflow

A septic system works when the waste deposited in the septic tank gets separated into liquid and solid wastes. The separation takes place when the microorganisms in the tank break down the waste into different constituents. The solid wastes sink to the bottom of the tank while the liquid waste, after some time, is output into the septic drain field where it is slowly absorbed into the soil.

With time, the solid deposits inside the tank rise to an unmanageable level and need to be pumped out. If you don't do that, the level of the scum and solid deposits in the tank may rise to the point where new effluent cannot be deposited into the tank. At that point, if you are still producing waste in the house, the waste produced will be forced to back into your house since they won't have anywhere to go.

You Will Be Polluting the Environment

The breakdown of sewer waste in the tank doesn't happen instantaneously; it takes time. However, if the tank is full with solid deposits and scum, some of the waste will be forced out of the tank before it is properly treated. That means you will be depositing untreated waste into the environment, and the dangerous microorganisms in the wastes may even get into the groundwater and affect nearby wells.

Not only that, but the sewage may even pop up in your yard and affect your household. There are even cases where a poorly maintained septic tank forces sewer gases into the house, making it difficult to live there.

You Won't Be Able To Use Your Plumbing Systems

Lastly, you may not be able to enjoy the use of your plumbing fixtures for some time if you don't pump your septic tank. For example, some of the sewer wastes may remain within the drainage pipes if they don't have room in the septic tank. In such a case, using your toilet, washtubs, or showers may trigger the flow of dirty wastes out of your floor drains. This means you won't be able to use your plumbing fixtures because the more you use them, the smellier and dirtier your house will be. Imagine the kind of quandary this can put you on if it happens on a day when you are entertaining guests.

For more information about septic pumping, contact companies like Sound Septic Pumping and Services, Inc.
