How To Keep Your Septic Tank From Backing Up

Anyone using septic services needs to understand that they need to maintain their septic systems to prevent them from failing. The thing is, every rule is clear and concise when it comes to what you can and what you cannot do if you own a septic tank. Failing to follow these rules can cause your septic tank to back up.

But first, how do people using septic services know whether their septic tanks are backing up?

  • Your toilets are flushing slowly: when you notice that any toilet in your house is not flushing well, then there is a possibility that your septic system is backing up.

  • Your drains are becoming slower.

  • Your absorption field has lush grass, especially during dry seasons.

  • There is liquid oozing in the areas surrounding your septic tank.

So How Do You Prevent Your Septic Tank From Backing Up?

Always Be Cautious With the Things You Flush

Always check what you flush down your toilet. Some items are un-flushable, and flushing them in your toilet can cause serious problems to your septic system. Therefore, it is important to have a trash can in your bathroom for such things. Besides, it is essential to let your guests know that you use a septic system whenever you are hosting them in your house.

Never Dispose Of Any Chemicals in Your Drains

Avoid disposing chemicals like varnish, paint thinner, or gasoline down your drains because they can destroy the bacterial equilibrium of your septic tank. Disruption of the bacterial equilibrium can affect how the waste in your septic tank is broken down. This mostly causes clogging in your septic tank, thus causing it to back up.

Be Aware of Blocked Lines

A blocked pipe can happen within your home or in the sewer lines that connect to your home. Either issue can cause a huge mess, so be sure to get your sewer system checked out right away if a blocked line is suspected.

Protect Your Drain Field

A septic system's drain field has a very pivotal role in a septic system because the water from your septic tank needs to be drained in a safe place. At times, your drain field can be affected by things like tree roots, which can make the wastewater not be absorbed well. Therefore, always ensure that the drain field remains clear at all times and also avoid driving over your drain field.

Always observe your septic tank pumping or maintenance schedule

This might sound obvious, but failing to observe it can have serious problems with your septic tank or the entire septic system. If you fail to follow the septic maintenance or pumping schedule, there are high chances that your septic tank will clog or backup.

Don't Use Large Volumes of Water

A large and sudden water inflow to your septic tank can saturate your drain field. This, in turn, can slow down the absorption rate of the wastewater, which can ultimately result in making the septic tank back up. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the amount of water that flows from your house to your septic system.

For more information, contact companies such as Koberlein Environmental Services.
