Pro Tips: 3 Simple Things That You Can Do To Extend The Life Of Your Septic Tank

Your septic tank is the most important component of your home's waste disposal system. When your septic tank is working properly, the organic waste from inside your house flows to it, and is broken down by the bacteria in the tank and decomposed. This keeps the tank efficiently functional for many years. On the other hand, when the tank is not functioning properly, or when there is a problem with the system, the waste is not broken down on time. It ends up filling the tank, and when the level is too high, the tank either leaks waste to the yard or the waste backs up into the house.

Septic tank systems are easy to maintain, and with the right measures, your tank can serve you for many years without the need for a replacement. Here are three easy ways in which you can extend the life of your septic tank.

Preserve the Health of the Ecosystem Inside the Tank

The first thing that you should pursue is making sure that the ecosystem inside the septic tank stays healthy. Harsh drain cleaning chemicals, bleach, and soap kill the aerobic and anaerobic bacteria which is found inside the septic tank. If you can, avoid pouring these harsh chemicals down the toilet bowl. 

If you suspect that you may have interfered with the healthy ecosystem inside the tank, call professionals to help you clean. They know what measures to take to restore the balance of your tank. Sometimes, they might even introduce new bacteria in the tank to restore its function.

Use Water Wisely

Excessive water is one of the common characteristics that septic tanks have failed. When there is too much water flowing into the tank, and you do not have a reliable drainage and recycling system, it washes out the bacteria. 

If you can, conserve water in the home. Install smart flushing systems in the toilet to prevent water loss, and ensure that you take more baths than showers. All these steps will minimize the amount of water that goes into the tank.

Don't Park Vehicles Near the System

When you park heavy vehicles near the drain area, you increase the rate at which the soil will compact itself. This can also lead to the breakage of septic pipes and damage to the entire system. 

Avoid the septic tank, drain field, and other reserve areas when parking vehicles.

These are simple guidelines that are very effective in increasing the life of your septic tank. Ensure that you get professionals for pumping and cleaning services for a clean and healthy home. For more information about caring for septic tanks, contact a local septic service.
