Ready for a New Septic System? 4 Things You Need to Figure Out

If you need to install a new septic system on your property, there are some things you are going to need to figure out before the installation process. Figuring these things out will help you move forward with the process.

Thing #1: The Size of the Tank

First, you need to determine what size tank you need. The size of the tank is going to depend on the size of your home and family. A home with three bathrooms and seven residents needs a larger tank than a home with one bathroom and three people living there.

As you determine the size of the tank, think about your future needs. If you are buying a four-bedroom home to grow your family, but there are only two of you there right now, you will want to go with a larger septic tank that will support your future needs, as upgrading a septic tank is not an easy process.

Thing #2: Septic Tank Material

Second, you will need to determine the type of material you want your septic tank to be made from. Septic tanks can be made from fiberglass, polyethylene, or concrete. Concrete tanks are the most common due to their strength and durability; however, they are more complicated and expensive to install. A fiberglass or polyethylene tank is easier to install and generally costs less as well.

Thing #3: Tank Location

Third, you need to determine the location of the tank. The location of the tank is going to depend on a few things. Installation regulations will limit where you can put your tank, as well as the location of existing utility lines. Your property layout and soil type will also determine where the tank can go.

Thing #4: Drainfield Size

A septic system consists of more than a tank; most septic systems also include a drainfield or leach field. The leach field performs a large portion of the function of your overall septic system.

The location and size of the drainfield will depend on the size of the tank, how much water your home goes through daily, and the layout of your property. The type of soil will also impact the overall size and location of the drainfield as well.

When it comes to installing a septic system, you need to know what size of tank you need, what material you want the tank to be made from, the tank's location, and the drainfield's size. A professional septic company can help you answer all these questions and assist you with the installation process.  

Call a septic service to get help with a residential septic tank installation
