3 Signs Your Water Well Needs Repairs

If your home is one of the many throughout the country that rely on a private well to supply potable water, ensuring that your well remains functional is critical.

Most wells don't fail catastrophically without offering some warning signs. Learning to recognize these warning signs will allow you to invest in minor repairs before any minor malfunctions become bad enough to compromise the integrity of your well as a whole.

Here are three signs of problems that need repair that every well owner should be watching for.

1. Low Water Pressure

Your home's water pressure can reveal a lot about the condition of your well and well pump. A sudden reduction in water pressure is a major warning sign that your well needs professional attention.

Many water pressure drops are caused by obstructions that find their way into the water supply line. These obstructions limit the amount of water that is channeled into your well pump.

Less water in means that your pump has to move less water out, which results in low water pressure. If the obstruction isn't found and eliminated quickly, the poor water supply could cause your well pump to overheat.

2. Air Bubbles

Does your water supply spurt or sputter when you turn on your faucets? If so, you should contact a well repair technician as soon as possible.

Noticeable air bubbles in your water are usually caused by leaks that have formed within the water supply line. Other causes of air bubbles can include faulty gaskets or seals within your well pump or poor connections between the pump and water supply line.

The air that leaks into your well pump and causes air bubbles can increase the overall pressure inside the pump. Too much pressure has the potential to cause significant damage to your well pump components. 

3. No Water Pressure

A complete lack of water pressure is a major red flag when it comes to the condition of your well.

A lot of well owners automatically assume that their well pump has broken whenever there is no water pressure in the home. This isn't always the case, and just replacing the pump without further investigation could be a costly mistake.

A lack of water pressure can be caused by a damaged electrical component or exposed wire shorting out the pump system. A well repair professional will be able to fully inspect your pump system to determine the root cause of your water pressure loss.

Contact a water well repair service for more information. 
