Common Septic Tank Issues That Require Repair

Septic tank systems are an essential aspect of residential and commercial buildings. However, like any other appliances, septic tanks are not invincible, and they are bound to fail at one point or another. Septic tank issues are not only frustrating but also pose health hazards. Therefore, it's essential to identify any urgent septic tank problems and call a professional plumber to repair them promptly. This post will discuss the most common septic tank issues that require repair.

Clogging in the Septic Tank

Eventually, solid wastes build up and create a blockage in the septic system. When this happens, wastewater can't flow into the drain field, resulting in clogs and backups in toilets and sinks. Septic tank cleaning and pump-outs can help alleviate clogging, but it is best to contact your local plumbing professional.

Soil Saturation

Septic tanks rely on soil to treat and filter the wastewater that enters them. However, if the soil surrounding a drain field is prone to heavy water saturation, it can create issues. Muddy soil can reduce absorption capacity, resulting in contaminated water that filters into water sources and nearby structures. It's not easy to scope out these problems, and they often aren't visible until every other solution has failed, so it's important to call a professional for an inspection as soon as possible.

Tree Roots

Tree roots are one of the most harmful threats to septic tanks. Roots can penetrate septic lines, cause pipes to rupture, and eventually form clogs. The roots can also cause structural damage to the tank over time. It's crucial to keep trees and shrubbery away from septic tanks and have sewer pipes inspected annually. Professional plumbers usually have the technology to inspect pre-existing tree roots in a plumbing system and handle them accordingly.

System Age

As with all things, septic tanks will age and eventually require replacement. Over time, wear and tear can damage the system permanently. A professional plumber is the best person to contact to inspect and evaluate your septic tank's life expectancy.

Sloping and Grading

Proper system sloping helps wastewater to flow out of the property without any resistance. However, if the tank's slope is off, it can cause major issues. A septic tank system must have the correct grading, or the wastewater flow may be affected, and backups, clogs, and flooding can occur. It's best to consult a professional plumber for appropriate grading solutions to avoid any system failure.

Regular septic tank inspections and pump-outs can prevent early clogging and damage that can result in complete system failure. Don't risk your home, health, or the environment getting contaminated with wastewater. Instead, call a local plumbing professional for septic tank repair services.
