Avoid the Mess and Smell: Signs your Septic Tank System Needs Pumping

Keeping up with your septic tank system may not be a thrilling topic, but it is necessary to ensure that your property is functioning correctly. The septic tank system is responsible for treating wastewater and draining it into the surrounding soil. A full tank not only results in a foul smell but can also result in costly repairs. Regular maintenance and pumping are necessary to protect your health and maintain the value of your property. If you are wondering about the signs your septic system needs pumping, you are in the right place.

Slow Drains

One of the common signs that your septic system needs pumping is a slow drain. You may notice the sinks, toilets, or showers are not draining as they once did. When your septic tank is full, it means there is no room for water to flow freely. The slow drainage may eventually lead to blockage of your septic system's drain field, which can lead to backup and overflow of waste.

Foul Odor

A foul odor may mean that your system is not functioning adequately. The smell may also be caused by the accumulation of methane, which is a byproduct of wastewater treatment. If you notice a smell outside your home in your drain field, or close to the septic tank site, then it's time to have your septic system pumped.

Emergence of Water

If there is standing water in your drainage fields, it's one of the signs of an impending septic system failure. Standing water can be harmful to the environment and pose a danger to your family if left unchecked. It's essential to call a professional to pump your septic system to avoid costly repairs in the future.

Unusual Noise

When your plumbing is working correctly, you shouldn't hear any strange noises. But when your septic system is full, you may begin to hear gurgling or bubbling noises in your plumbing. The noise is from the waste that is trying to make its way through the full tank. If you hear any strange noises, it's a clear indication that you need to have your septic system pumped to keep everything running smoothly.

Lush Grass

When grass around your septic tank is greener compared to the rest of your lawn, it could mean that there's leakage of wastewater in that area. Regular septic pumping can prevent costly issues like this from happening.

Proper maintenance of your septic system is essential to keep wastewater flowing smoothly. Regular pumping of your septic tank is crucial to prevent overflow and waste backup. If you notice any of the signs mentioned above, it’s time to call a professional to pump your septic system before the issue escalates. 

To learn more about septic system pumping, contact a professional near you. 
